I have been a seeker and I still am. But I have stopped asking the books and the stars.
I started listening to the wisdom of my body and my soul.
inspired by Rumi
My unique approach to Fascial Yoga considers more than just the physical aspect of training your fascia in your yoga practice. It also includes the emotional, psychological and spiritual level. Integral Fascial Yoga can help to find more flexibility both physically and mentally, freedom and wellbeing for body, mind and soul.
What is Fascia?
Fascia is IN right now. Unsurprisingly, as there is currently an abundance of exciting, cutting-edge scientific research in the area of fascial tissue. Fascia are the white sheets and evelopes around all our physical structures that is commonly reffered to as connective tissue as wll. Ignored and treated simply as packing material by anatomists, physicians and bodyworkers alike, Fascia was, for too long, the Cinderella Tissue of the body. Over the past 5-10 years though, an explosion in fascinating research into the nature of Fascia, is proving how important it is to our health and well-being.
A fascial network that is optimally stimulated, is both elastic and resilient. It gives us form and is crucial to our own body awareness. Where our fascial network is not sufficiently stimulated, it tends to stick together, losing both its elasticity and resilience, thereby leading to reduced range of motion, increased risk of injury and eventually, pain.

What is Fascial Yoga?
Fascial Yoga blends Bhakti Yinyasa Yoga with the principles of Fascia Training, based upon the work of Dr. Robert Schleip, (Fascia Research Group, University of Ulm, Germany), international scientific research and movement experts. It comprises elements of Yin Yoga and other Yin-like techniques to increase proprioception and sensory awareness, combined with more dynamic Yang elements, integrating the main principles of Fascia Training into the yoga practice.
Although the fascial network is already partially stimulated through classic yoga asana practice, for optimal stimulation and health, fascial tissue requires more than just stretching. The elastic parts of the fascial system, tendons for example, are not optimally stimulated in classic asana practice. Depth can be given to the stimulation of fascial tissue by, for instance, adding 3 dimensional variations to movement planes. As the elastic properties of fascial tissue play an essential role in the prevention of injuries, learning how to stimulate the elastic fascial tissues effectively in our own yoga practice, and in that of our students and clients, is hugely important.
We can differentiate between certain genetic fascial tissue pre-dispositions. Viking-like-Types tend to have stiffer connective tissue (hypomobile) Temple-Dancer-like-Types tend to have very soft connective tissue (hypermobile). Depending on the type of the connective tissue tendencies one exhibits, different fascial stimulation techniques will be more beneficial than others.
In many instances, but especially when applying release and slow stretching techniques, the use of sound creates vibrations in the body which stimulate the tissue and the nervous system at a more profound level than that achieved through movement practice alone. We will learn to work with sound to deepen the physiological effects of the physical practice.
What is Integral Fascial Yoga?
Integral Fascial Yoga moves beyond the physical level of just training your fascia into the deeper realms of your personal transformation. By changing the overall tone of the network the fascial tissue can imprint chronic stress and trauma within the tissue. This can be released with certain techniques like meditation, Somatic Experiencing and mindfulness techniques.
Usually students will find into a combination of Integral Fascial Yoga Sessions online or in classes accompanied by individual, body-oriented coaching sessions with me which are also available online.

I am a certified Bhakti Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher trained in Germany, Bali and Rishikesh, India, and have studied Thai Yoga Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Since being certified as an Advanced bodybliss Trainer by Divo G. Müller and Dr. Robert Schleip in 2008 I have been working closely with both of them, completed the entire Fascial Fitness Course System and became one of the first Fascial Fitness Master Trainers. I have been teaching classes, workshops and retreats for more than 12 years and as part of the educational team of the Fascial Fitness Association, which has now merged with the Fascia Training Academy I have been teaching mainly workshops and teacher trainings around the world.
Out of my love for both Yoga and Fascia I have blended both philosophies to a new format and teach workshops and teacher trainings on how to integrate fascial stimulation into Yoga for Yoga Teachers worldwide.

Yoga Teacher
- Bhakti Vinyasa Teacher (200h Bhakti Yoga Summer, 300h Awakened Life School of Yoga)
- Numerous continuing educations including philosophy, chanting, sequencing, meditation, pregnancy and post-partum, pranayama,…)
- Yin Yoga (Markus Henning Giess)
- Founder „Integral Fascial Yoga“
- Meditation-Teacher (OSHO Academy Munich)
- Thai Yoga Massage (Sunshine Network Thailand)
Fascia Expert
- Fascial Fitness Master Trainer (Fascial Fitness Association)
- Co-Lead Fascial Fitness Association (with Divo Müller and in close
cooperation with Dr. Robert Schleip), the Fascial Fitness Association
has now merged with Fascia Training Academy - Book Author: „The comprehensive Guide on Fascial Yoga“
- Myofascial Release Techniqes (FIHH)
Health Practitioner for Psychotherapy
- Somatic Experiencing (R) Pracitioner: Trauma-Release (Dr. Peter Levine)
- Life Coach: Coaching Method (Kain Ramsay)
- Applied Psychokinesiology (Klaus Wienert)
- Eat Pray Doula (Ibu Robin Lim and Debra Pascali-Bonaro)
- Optimal Maternal Positioning (ibirth Professionals)
- Pelvic Floor Training pre- and post-natal (BeBo Germany)
- Peri-natal Yoga Teacher in Training (Birthlight)